Full-Stack Web Development using MERN Stack 

The MERN Stack course is designed to help you become an expert in using MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. The course covers front and back-end development using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Node.js. You will learn how to build user interfaces for the web and how to connect them to back-end APIs using the MERN stack. By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of these technologies and the ability to use them to create web applications.

Module 1

Core + Advanced JavaScript 

This module is designed to teach you the fundamentals of programming in a way that is consistent with industry standards. You will complete coding assignments to help you develop your logical thinking and problem-solving skills, including exercises based on common interview questions. By working through these exercises, you will gain a solid foundation in programming and be well-prepared for a career in the field.

Module 2

Front End Development

This module focuses on helping you build dynamic user interfaces using modern JavaScript technologies like React, Redux, and Ajax. You will have the opportunity to work on real-time projects, giving you practical experience and a deep understanding of these technologies. By the end of this module, you will have the skills and knowledge needed to build interactive and engaging user interfaces using the latest JavaScript frameworks.

Module 3

Placement Training 1

This module prepares you to attend Front-End interviews at companies confidently. You'll take up two written tests and two mock interviews, solve all the recent interview questions and schedule an impactful resume with a GitHub profile.

Module 4

Back End Development

This module will teach you how to set up REST APIs, work with databases, and implement security features such as user authentication and authorization. You will also learn how to connect the front and back end and build full-stack projects. This module will give you the skills and knowledge to create comprehensive, secure, and functional web applications.

Module 5

Placement Training 2

This module is designed to help you feel confident and prepared for technical interviews with companies. You will practice taking technical aptitude tests, participate in a mock interview, and work through recently asked interview questions. You will also have the opportunity to create a powerful and effective resume. By the end of this module, you will have the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the job interview process.

Meet your Trainer

Aniruddha SG 

It has been my privilege to have trained and mentored over 1000 students at my academy in their journey to become independent full-stack developers. As a full-time trainer, I strive to dedicate a significant amount of time to providing my students with the support and guidance they need to become confident and proficient in coding, it's a humbling experience to see them succeed.

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